How I help families

Find out more about how I help families update their homes.

How I help families

I know only too well from my own personal experience as a busy working mum and also feed-back from my clients that having a home that ‘works’ in terms of functionality, eliminates tension and frustration among family members, when our homes are organised the atmosphere is more likely to feel calmer, happier & lighter.

So how can I help?

  • New baby arriving, setting up the nursery, organising clothing, equipment and all of the new baby items.
  • Organising Children’s Rooms/Playroom or Games Rooms.
  • Creating memory boxes for sentimental items.
  • Utilising the space you have and creating the area’s you need to accommodate your growing family.
  • Assistance after Bereavement
  • Teenagers Rooms – (If access permitted!)

Having two grown up daughters of my own I know how quickly they grow, how their needs change, and that any home needs to be adapted to those changing needs! Whether your home is large or small there are many solutions to create what you need.

Contact me to arrange a free consultation

6 + 12 =

help with updating a kids room
help with updating a kids room